Hi Colin, here’s Eli Lilly’s bespoke energy opportunity report…
Our experts have estimated that Eli Lilly has around 10MW of flexibility, based on your average load…
Did you know that this level of energy flexibility could earn Eli Lilly significant additional revenue and generate large savings?
Download Eli Lilly's bespoke reportEnergy management without impact on uptime
We understand that Eli Lilly needs to ensure continual production, which is why working with GridBeyond will ensure continued and even improved operations…
One of the core goals for pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities around the globe has been to build more sustainable manufacturing processes. One of the biggest challenges for the pharmaceutical industry is implementing reliable energy solutions that not only support sustainability goals, but also improve competitiveness by reducing energy costs and price volatility, while maintaining operations and product integrity.
Over recent years we have supported pharmaceutical plants to take a more sophisticated approach when it comes to energy management. GridBeyond works with the industry to ensure maximum participation in energy markets, while maximising opportunities from on-site generation, energy storage, flexibility and demand side response.
We find the flexibility on your site and place it into the most rewarding markets for your business.
Download Eli Lilly's bespoke report