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Posted 1 year ago | 2 minute read

GridBeyond clients deliver 190MWh demand reduction in DFS
The Demand Flexibility Service (DFS), which was introduced last winter to help the UK cope with tight energy supplies, saved over 3,300MWh of electricity across the events, National Grid ESO has confirmed.
In total, 1.6M households and businesses signed up to participate in 22 events across the winter, covering both live events to balance the electricity network and monthly test events to deliver savings for consumers and demonstrate how effective the system could be.
GridBeyond was one of the approved providers of DFS service and by working with our clients over the winter we helped contribute a total delivered MWh across the five months of 190.01 MWh.
DFS was introduced as an enhanced action to support operation of the network, the Demand Flexibility Service was used twice for live events in January 2023 to support the management of the network. While the ESO’s day-to-day operational tools allowed it to operate the network as normal without the active use of DFS to manage margins, this service demonstrated the level of interest and engagement in consumer flexibility. Consumers and businesses notably delivered their highest output for these live events, 20% higher than for regular monthly or onboarding test events.
National Grid ESO is currently undertaking a review of the DFS alongside industry participants and consumers to assess how the service could be improved in future.