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Posted 2 years ago | 3 minute read

Low-carbon emitting technologies essential for the chemicals industry: WEF
Low-carbon emitting technologies (LCETs) are essential building blocks in the net-zero for the chemicals industry, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has said.
In a report published on 16 May, the WEF noted that low-carbon emitting technologies (LCETs) are important building blocks in the chemical industry’s net-zero transition. But while LCETs offer significant decarbonization opportunities, they face various challenges and depend strongly on favourable policy environments.
In its analysis of policy landscapes for LCETs across seven jurisdictions covering about 50% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (China, the European Union, Japan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States) and across five key LCET areas (biomass utilization, carbon capture and utilization, electrification, alternative hydrogen production and waste processing) the study revealed the following insights about existing policy support:
- Hydrogen receives the most attention and policy support among LCET areas
- Carbon capture is on a par with hydrogen production in the United States
- Electrification of processes is on a par with hydrogen production in the European Union
- Biomass utilization and waste processing will both likely see additional policy support in the near future, moving away from fossil feed and fuel
- Besides increased incentives and climate targets, on average, technology and infrastructure policies are strengthened in all analysed jurisdictions
- Supportive measures, such as funding schemes, vary significantly between countries, but are emerging or maturing across the globe
- While on the rise in some countries and across borders, policies stimulating demand for sustainably produced goods are not yet a focus
Increased policy ambitions supporting the development and upscaling of LCETs are influenced by a number of globally emerging themes, alongside national or regional approaches, reflecting political and legal traditions as well as strategic considerations.
GridBeyond CEO and Co-founder Michael Phelan said:
“As a cornerstone of the global economy, the chemical industry is tightly interconnected in a complex web of value chains, contributing to all goods-producing industrial sectors, and plays a vital role in the transition towards a global net zero society.
“Many companies in this sector are already innovating and installing LCET to reduce their cost of operations but it is important to note that every area of the chemicals industry differs, from soaps to chlorine, medicines to building materials. GridBeyond works with all areas of the chemical industry to ensure maximum participation in demand side response and energy services without impacting the work, supporting the industry to reduce costs, gain revenues and decarbonise operations”.

Webinar: How to implement energy services into chemical industries
Chemical plants are notoriously energy intensive, but did you know that sites typically have up to 30% energy flexibility? And this flexibility can both earn and save your business significant sums of money? Learn how by registering for this GridBeyond Academy webinar.
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