Capacity Market auctions 2023
Winners and losers | 2023 auctions
National Grid ESO has confirmed that the latest T-4 Capacity Market auction (delivery year 2026-27) has cleared at £63/kW/year), topping last year’s record high of £30.59/kW/year. The T-1 auction (delivery year 2023-24) also cleared at £60/kW/year, down from the £75/kW/ year seen in the last auction.
Providing pre-qualification services prior to the deadlines, enabling projects to meet project-specific milestones, and facilitating the bidding strategies across both the T-4 and T-1 Auction’s GridBeyond supported our clients to achieve 390MW of agreements covering between 1 and 15 years.
In this paper, we take a look at results from recent Capacity Market auctions and examine which technologies emerged as the winners and how prices under the mechanism could move in future auctions.