Decoding demand response
Decoding demand response
Transforming energy into opportunity for the mining industry
When it comes to energy, value is determined by three key factors: price and quantity and time. When and how you use energy is just as important as the price you pay for it and how much you use. Ultimately, the ability to be flexible about when you use energy represents both a value and a cost and utility and grid demand response programs allow you to monetize that flexibility.
By participating in demand response programs your business could receive substantial financial payments for agreeing to reduce energy in response to grid signals that could help to offset some of the cost increases seen over the last two years. The payments earned from these programs can then be reinvested into energy efficiency measures, renewables or battery storage technologies that provide further flexibility to your site, reduce your operating costs and support the transition to a greener future.
This e-book is designed to help you understand exactly what demand response is, how it works, what benefits it delivers, and how it fits into a holistic energy management strategy.