On Demand Webinar:
On Demand Webinar: Managing utility-scale batteries in the energy transition
The investment momentum behind batteries in the UK and indeed much of the world has been growing. Stand-alone battery project returns are improving as cell costs decline. But, battery investment cases still rely on revenue stacking across multiple streams: energy arbitrage, ancillary services and capacity contracts.
Co-locating a battery project alongside solar can provide a boost to battery investment case by creating value from an under-utilised grid connection. Co-location combines a battery storage system and another form of intermittent generation, typically solar. As batteries have a much smaller footprint than solar, they are often able to be installed alongside existing projects, making it an attractive diversification for renewable investors.
But co-location is a balancing act and despite sharing a grid connection, co-located assets should be optimised independently to ensure each asset achieves its full value potential.
In this webinar GridBeyond’s Asset Development Director Chris Smith and British Solar Renewables Director of Energy Strategy Mark Hollands will explore:
- Advantages of co-location of batteries with solar
- How advanced optimisation helps capture the full value of a solar installation
- The importance of market forecasting in ensuring that co-located assets achieve their full value potential
- The importance of revenue stacking, dispatch optimisation, and auction strategies in co-located asset optimisation
What: Webinar | Creating value via co-locating batteries
Chris Smith, Asset Development Director, GridBeyond
Chris has been working in the energy industry since 1996. Working with multiple companies at different stages of growth, from start-up to established multi-national businesses. Successfully helping companies to grow their business or market share, predominantly in the purchase of renewable power from generators.
His recent focus has been on renewables and ‘Power Purchase Agreements’ and on utility-scale batteries and their optimisation to balance increased intermittency in the power sector.

Julie McGovern, Associate- Commercial and Energy Law at Foot Anstey
Julie is a legal expert in the energy field. She is driven by a determination to be at the forefront of innovation in this sector and strives to be ahead of the curve when it comes to the changing landscape of UK energy infrastructure.
Her career highlight came when she facilitated a world-first, UK-wide infrastructure project that’s had a significant impact on the UK energy balancing market.
As a classically trained opera singer, a self-confessed ‘foodie’ and a book club enthusiast, Julie is never short of ways to spend her spare time.

Mark Hollands, Director of Energy Strategy, British Solar Renewables
Mark’s primary role at BSR is to ensure we remain as innovative and competitive as possible. This involves understanding the commercial impact of design changes or new technologies, and ensuring we get the best deals when it comes to selling the power from our solar parks. He even secured a 15-year PPA for the power output from Wroughton Solar Park, which increased its value by around £3m and will supply HSBC with enough energy to power their Canary Wharf offices for 15 years.
British solar renewables
Laura Leonard, Regulatory Market Development Specialist, GridBeyond
Laura joined the GridBeyond team in April 2022 with a background in working at the Irish Transmission System Operator and specifically in the areas of Strategy and Interconnection. Laura leads in the Regulation and Market team for Ireland where she ensures GridBeyond and its customers are in compliance with all regulatory matters and keeps the team aware of changes in the energy, utility and political landscape. This involves a deep understanding of the various energy markets including the capacity market, balancing market and System Services.