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Landing Page: Webinar | Catalysing the transformation to net-zero through PPA

Catalysing the transformation to net-zero through PPA

DATE 21 March 2024
TIME 12.00pm GMT

Live Webinar – Catalysing the transformation to net-zero through PPA

DATE 21 March 2024
TIME 12.00 pm GMT

As the world faces the urgent challenge of climate change, it has become increasingly important for businesses of all types to take significant steps towards achieving net zero emissions. But this transition also presents an opportunity for businesses to reduce operational costs and enhance their competitive edge, with the right strategy in place.

In this webinar, hosted with the CIA, GridBeyond’s Shawn Duckett, Regional Director and Neil Garland, Head of Origination will explore:

• how energy transition creates opportunities for businesses to become more resilient while earning new revenues

• energy purchasing strategies for a net zero future

• your business can reach its sustainability targets by integrating batteries, solar or heat pumps on site

• how GridBeyond is supporting businesses reach their net zero ambitions

Our experts will also take you through the benefits of our technology, which enables you to participate in grid-balancing programs and earn revenue from your energy assets. You’ll also learn how our intelligent energy management system can optimise your energy assets, reduce costs and improve your carbon footprint. We’ll also show you how our platform can support your solar and battery systems, unlocking their full potential and increasing your energy independence. With our help, you’ll be able to generate and store more renewable energy, reduce your reliance on the grid and save money on your energy bills.

What: Webinar |Catalysing the transformation to net-zero through PPA

When: DATE 21 March 2024 | TIME 12.00pm GMT

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