Live Webinar – Global Energy Trends 2024
Targets, trajectories and temporalities
| Contextualising net zero
TIME 12.00pm GMT
Live Webinar – Global Energy Trends 2024: Targets, trajectories and temporalities | Contextualising net zero
DATE 8 February 2024
TIME 12.00pm GMT
In an era defined by uncertainty, complex geopolitical tensions, volatile supply chains and the urgent need for rapid cuts in global emissions, the energy transition has reached a critical inflection point. But the need to reach net zero remains as critical as ever.
The 2021–23 global energy crisis had far-reaching impacts on the global energy system, disrupting supply and demand patterns and fracturing long‐standing trading relationships and resulted in many countries facing shortages and increased prices in oil, gas and electricity markets. As a result. emphasis and attention from policy-makers refocussed on security and affordability of energy. While this implies a detour on the path to net zero, this also signals an under-appreciated benefit of the energy transition—that greater energy security and independence can result from a reduced reliance on imported fossil fuels. But have companies, countries and consumers taken advantage of this?
In this webinar, we examine the key trends that commentators – including GridBeyond’s experts – agree will be at the forefront of discussions about developments in the energy sector in 2024 and beyond. We look at the reality of, expectations for, and pathways towards net-zero, evaluate whether we on the right track, explore how the gaps can be bridged by action and technology, and ask what can be done by policy-makers, regulators and industry to move the energy transition from target and trajectories to net zero.
What: Webinar | Global Energy Trends 2024: Targets, trajectories and temporalities | Contextualising net zero
When: DATE 8 February 2024 | TIME 12.00pm GMT
Your host: Michael Phelan, MBA, GridBeyond CEO & Co-Founder
Michael has over 22 years management experience in sales, marketing and product development in electronic and software companies targeting the energy sector.
Prior to joining GridBeyond, Michael held positions at Philips, Microsol, PCAS and Duolog in automation and electronics. He was responsible for developing European, Asian and American markets and OEMs such as Invensys, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, and Alstom. In addition, he has facilitated several successful exits. Michael is a graduate of University College Dublin where he obtained an MBA in Business Administration, Management and Operations.