On-Demand Webinar:
How to create a holistic energy strategy using demand side response technology [Ireland Edition]
DSR technology can help form the foundations of a solid energy strategy, learn how…
Learn how to boost your bottom line, optimise operations and step-up sustainability with a holistic energy strategy.
Demand side response (DSR) is often seen as a bolt-on to an energy strategy; an additional revenue, or a way to avoid peak charges. But the technology can be so much more. This webinar breaks down the areas that the right DSR technology can touch upon and impact, and how to formulate that into a holistic energy strategy.
At the helm of this webinar? CEO at GridBeyond and industry pioneer, Michael Phelan.
By the end of this webinar, you will understand:
- How to optimise operations, from benchmarking to improving OEE and predictive maintenance
- What are the trading and smart-tariffs are available in Ireland, and how to maximise participation in these
- How DSR tech can leverage the opportunities for businesses in commercial battery
- How DSR can optimise electric vehicles and fleets to gain additional business benefits
- The latest DS3 and DSU capacity opportunities available to I&C organisations in Ireland
- All within the context of the regulations and opportunities in the Irish market.
With a deep understanding of energy demand, generation and optimisation, fed into a complete energy platform developed for balancing and capacity markets, price optimisation, asset optimisation and monitoring & analytics, GridBeyond is ideally placed to provide a comprehensive view.
CPD Certified
CPD certified courses ensure webinar content:
- Is of a high educational standard
- Results in an official attendee certification (this one is for 1 hour)
- Focuses on education, not promotion
- Provides key takeaways which you can apply to your business’ energy strategy and financial forecasts
You host: Michael Phelan
Michael is an energy industry pioneer, CEO and co-founder at GridBeyond.
Michael has over 20 years experience working in and with the energy sector. When Michael founded GridBeyond back in 2010, the market was a very different place. Having seen the evolution of the market, Michael has led the development of the technology, evolving from wireless sensors and meters, to the machine learning algorithms in place today, and every step in between. All of which have anticipated the market, putting GridBeyond clients ahead of the game and optimising their energy for the best return on their demand side response participation.
This experience in both market and technology means Michael is ideally placed to provide advice and education. With the influx of renewable energy and with the Grid requiring the help of energy technology providers and large energy consumers to ensure we can reach our green goals, Michael’s invaluable knowledge and expertise have secured him a spot as one of the industry’s authoritative voices on the topic.