On-Demand Webinar:
Resilience and the role of DSR & Battery
Energy resilience has never been so high on the company agenda…
The UK blackouts in August 2019 left transport systems, businesses, homes and critical sites like hospitals quite literally powerless…
The chaos that ensued, whilst only for a relatively short time, provided a snapshot into how reliant all of our systems are on electricity. The event highlighted not only the ways in which the operator needs to ensure grid resilience, but it emphasised to businesses the gaps in their own site resilience.
This GridBeyond Academy webinar explains the technology and mechanisms in place to help the grid remain stable, minimising the risk of events like this happening again in the UK and across global energy systems too. We’ll also cover how industrial, commercial and institutional sites can take resilience measures into their own hands, even against the severest of electricity grid failures.
Wayne Muncaster & Mark Davis
About your hosts:
Wayne Muncaster is a regular industry speaker and advocate for enhanced energy services and demand side response. With over 20 years’ experience in the energy sector, Wayne has seen the energy landscape change significantly and is ideally placed to provide advice and education on this complex market on both localised and global scales. Wayne’s knowledge is invaluable, built upon over years since his role in preparing British Gas for deregulation back in the 90’s. This expertise has secured him a spot as one of the industry’s authoritative voices, and he’s one of the go-to people for thought leadership and media opinion on the state of the industry.
Mark Davis entered the energy industry back in 2000 when he began in the advanced industrial market for NPower, specialising in complex market mechanisms. Following that ten year stint, he moved into Smart Grid technology, before he moved into a role at Total that encompassed managing I&C cross-border operations. Mark has seen the impact of the changing energy landscape on I&C businesses more than most, and is an expert in taking granular topics and contextualising within a global market.