Webinar: Unlock savings and revenue potential with DFS
On-demand webinar: Unlock savings and revenue potential with DFS
National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO has confirmed Winter 2023-24 will see the return of the Demand Flexibility Service (DFS).
DFS, which was introduced last winter to help the UK cope with tight energy supplies, saved over 3,300MWh of electricity across the events. In total, 1.6M households and businesses signed up to participate in 22 events across the winter, covering both live events to balance the electricity network and monthly test events to deliver savings for consumers and demonstrate how effective the system could be. GridBeyond provided DFS service to its clients over the winter and helped deliver 190.01MWh across the five months.
In this webinar GridBeyond’s Mitesh Gunputh Market Strategy and Risk- UK in Regulatory explores:
- The electricity landscape for the coming Winter
- What the DFS is, how it helps support National Grid Electricity System Operator to balance the system during peak demand periods
- Lessons learnt from GridBeyond’s participation in Winter 2022-23 and how we are expecting the programme to change for the upcoming Winter
- How businesses can participate to achieve maximum revenue from the programme