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Post: National Grid agrees £630M sale of ESO to UK Government


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Home | National Grid agrees £630M sale of ESO to UK Government

Posted 6 months ago | 3 minute read

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National Grid agrees £630M sale of ESO to UK Government

National Grid has reached an agreement to sell the Electricity System Operator to the government for £630M.

This means that from 1 October the UK will launch the new National Energy System Operator (NESO), a publicly owned organisation tasked with overseeing the planning and operation of the UK’s electricity and gas networks. The NESO’s role will also be expanded to include network planning, market development, security of supply and providing insights on achieving net zero energy goals. It comes in addition to the launch of Great British Energy, lifting England’s onshore wind ban, approving four major solar farms and launching the Clean Energy Mission Control Centre.  

Here’s the aims and what they mean for you: 

On 13 September, when the deal was announced, energy secretary, Ed Miliband, said:  “Today marks a milestone for Britain’s energy system as we bring the system operator into public ownership to provide impartial, whole-system expertise on building a network that is fit for the future. The new National Energy System Operator has a huge role to play in delivering our mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower […] this is how we reduce bills in the long term, strengthen our energy independence and support skilled jobs across the country.” 

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