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Post: Planning and Infrastructure Bill tabled before Parliament


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Home | Planning and Infrastructure Bill tabled before Parliament

Posted 6 days ago | 2 minute read

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Planning and Infrastructure Bill tabled before Parliament

The Planning and Infrastructure Bill completed its first reading in the House of Commons on 11 March.

The Bill forms part of the government’s wider policy to “get Britain building” and aims to prevent the fundamental blockers to nationally significant infrastructure projects and other items of priority.

The Bill aims to make it quicker and easier to deliver critical infrastructure projects including through streamlining Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) consultation requirements, ensuring National Policy Statements are kept up to date, and reducing opportunities for judicial review. These changes will support the government’s Clean Power Action Plan by accelerating the planning process for energy infrastructure and ensuring local communities benefit through the creation of a bill discount scheme for people living in the area.

It also proposes:

The Bill will progress to second reading on 24 March 2025.

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