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Post: Significant reform of the UK ETS announced


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Home | Significant reform of the UK ETS announced

Posted 1 year ago | 3 minute read

GridBeyond's energy management platform

Significant reform of the UK ETS announced

The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) Authority committed to reform of the UK ETS in line with the UK’s net zero legal requirements under the Climate Change Act

The UK ETS, launched on 1 January 2021 seeks to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and requires those operating in specified sectors (including manufacturing, energy generation and aviation) to surrender emission allowances to reflect in scope emissions. In its response to a 2022 consultation on developing the UK ETS the Authority committed to expand the scope of the scheme to include maritime, incineration and energy from waste and process emissions from carbon dioxide venting of upstream oil and gas alongside changes impacting all existing market participants with a commitment to further expansion of sectors covered.

On 3 July the Authority announced that it will make various changes to the UK ETS, including:

The scope of the UK ETS will also be expanded to include:

In addition, the Authority also committed to consider further reforms. In particular, it will work to:

At the end of 2023 the Authority will publish a consultation which will capture proposed but not yet agreed changes and its vision for the long-term development of the UK ETS including its continuation until at least 2050 and its expansion into more high emitting sectors.

GridBeyond CCO Mark Davis said:

“The changes will not only affect existing participants and those organisations operating in new in scope sector but all businesses dealing with those sectors. The time period for change is limited and in addition to those imminently affected, those sectors next to be considered, should start planning now.

“From clean energy purchasing to industrial efficiency and fully financed clean energy asset installations, at GridBeyond we support businesses to simplify and enhance corporate environmental governance while reducing emissions.”


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The path to net zero starts with accurate carbon accounting. But evaluating your performance can be challenging owing to the complexity of collecting and reporting on emissions data from multiple sources and changing standards for disclosures.

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