Healthcare Industry
Working with the healthcare industry
Manage your energy intensive equipment and embedded generation
GridBeyond works with hospitals and other healthcare sites to enable participation in Demand Side Response and energy services to offset energy costs without impact on operations.

Top connected assets in the healthcare industry
CHP, fans, DRUPS, HVAC, refrigeration, battery and more…

Healthcare industry brochure
Learn more about how GridBeyond can help the healthcare industry to participate in Demand Side Response and energy services without impacting operations.
Battery Brochure
Learn how GridBeyond’s unique hybrid battery and demand network unlocks optimum flexibility for the animal feed industry.
Download the brochureOur unique and award-winning technology platform connects energy intensive assets and automatically adjusts power consumption in real-time to balance the Grid – all with zero impact to your operations.
Ready to transform your energy into opportunity?
Discover if you can generate new revenues, enhance energy savings and boost sustainability with AI-powered Energy Services.
Book a 20 minute assessment to determine whether your company is eligible.
During the chat, our energy experts will be able to explain the process and answer any questions.