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Post: Government seeks views on Capacity Market modernisation


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Government seeks views on Capacity Market modernisation

The government has launched two consultations on changes to the Capacity Market (CM) rules to improve for how consumer-led flexibility is categorised and operates within the CM and to better enable participation and delivery assurance of consumer-led flexibility.

The first call for evidence builds on the October 2023 Capacity Market Phase 2 Call for Evidence and engagement that followed. Views are being sought on a range of topics relating to consumer-led flexibility, delivered via demand side response (DSR) in the Capacity Market, including:

The government simultaneously published a consultation on proposals to modernise CM Rules and improve participation and delivery assurance of consumer-led flexibility. Views are sought on:

The government has also published the 10-year review of the CM. This second statutory five-year review (2019-2024) of the CM, referred to as ‘the 10-year review’, takes a backward-looking approach to analysing the performance of the CM against its original objectives. The review found that the CM has been effective in meeting its objectives.

The calls for evidence will be open until 17 February 2023, and the government aims to respond in spring 2025. The government aims to implement its proposed changes before prequalification in 2025.

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