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Posted 3 years ago | 3 minute read

Lyons unveils net zero energy strategy
Northern Ireland Economy Minister Gordon Lyons has launched The Path to Net Zero Energy – an ambitious new strategy designed to ensure Northern Ireland’s energy is secure, affordable and clean for future generations.
Published on 16 December the strategy targets a 56% reduction in energy-related carbon emissions relative to 1990 levels by 2030. This is in line with the CCC’s recommended pathway for Northern Ireland to arrive at net zero carbon energy by 2050 and is consistent with the 6th Carbon Budget.
The document sets three key targets:
- Boost energy efficiency: deliver energy savings of 25% from buildings and industry by 2030. This will be achieved by introducing minimum standards for the energy efficiency of buildings, increasing funding and support for retrofitting buildings and uplifting building regulations for new buildings
- Increase levels of renewables and low-carbon: meet at least 70% of electricity consumption from a diverse mix of renewable sources by 2030. A support scheme will be implemented to bring forward investment in renewable electricity generation, fossil fuel heating oil, coal and certain solid fuels for home heating will be phased out and support will be introduced for low-carbon heat technologies. Measures on system flexibility services, energy storage, data and electromobility will also be reviewed and a roadmap to a cleaner, greener transport system developed.
- Deliver a green economy: double the size of the low carbon and renewable energy economy to a turnover of more than £2B by 2030 and create a hydrogen centre of excellence in research and innovation.

Introducing the strategy, Economy Minister Gordon Lyons said:
“Recent energy price rises are impacting on every person and business in Northern Ireland. This is happening because of the global price volatility that comes with fossil fuels. Our new strategy sets out how we will work towards phasing out fossil fuels, ending this volatility and ensuring that more of the money we spend on energy stays in the local economy and helps to create wealth and jobs. The Path to Net Zero Energy sets out a path to 2030 that will mobilise the skills, technologies and behaviours needed to take us towards net zero carbon and affordable energy by 2050.”
GridBeyond Managing Director UK & Ireland Mark Davis said:
“This strategy sets out an ambitious pathway to reduce carbon emissions from the energy sector and will transform how we develop and consume energy. But true decarbonisation is much more than carbon reductions. To reach a truly net zero energy system energy consumers of all shapes and sizes need to participate in the market and the policy, regulatory and incentives landscapes need to be in place to support this.”
At GridBeyond, we use AI and advanced technology to change the way businesses procure and use energy. By putting control into their hands, we empower energy consumers to intelligently control and optimise their energy strategy and create new value on their side of the meter. Find out more